Bucktown 5k Again & Acknowledging Negative Mentality

*People say a weight loss journey is more mental than physical. I’ve had a few of these posts, but I’d like to have a very open conversation into the negative mentality that can often plague me.*

Oh hello! My name is David. I write in a blog sometimes, but have been slacking a lot lately. My Instagram and Facebook have been pretty consistent though! A lot has happened in the almost 3 months since my last post: participated in the Sundowner 5k, been pretty consistent with training, and did the Bucktown 5k again today!

I’ll (hopefully) write another post catching up with everything soon, but I’d like to start with recapping today’s race, plus some things that’s been on my mind since. I came to the realization that I’m far too mean to myself mentally. That mindset has helped get me to where I am, but I strongly feel that it’s also preventing me from being where I want to be. Continue reading “Bucktown 5k Again & Acknowledging Negative Mentality”

My Journey So Far: Crunching the Numbers

Baker by the Pound started just over two years ago and what a journey it as been. After much number crunching from my workout/weight log it really brought many things into perspective.

Look at this guy after his first workout at Orange Theory, feet standing outward, huffing and puffing after his first workout in years. The journey from this guy to what I am now has been long and full of ups and downs, but one thing’s for sure: I’ve learned a ton about myself, my body, and my abilities.

For me it started with a “what the heck, why not,” instead of a lightbulb motivating moment.


Continue reading “My Journey So Far: Crunching the Numbers”

Check In: More of the Same, but Different….

Now that we’re 10 days into the new year, I’m actually in somewhat a groove and thought I would check in quickly to document where things are right now. I’ve finally undone the damage done over holiday eating and I’m falling back into good habits.

In other words things are the same as last I checked in, however, for some reason things feel a bit different right now. Continue reading “Check In: More of the Same, but Different….”

BbtP 2016 Wrap Up

This time of year always brings out the introspection in everyone with year end wrap ups, I feel it’s healthy to look back and see how things are going. I’ll admit, my first draft of this post was a lot more pessimistic than the final version.

While it’s easy to jump on the “2016 was horrible” bandwagon, I’ve always tried my best to have positive energy and an optimistic outlook on this wellness journey. Continue reading “BbtP 2016 Wrap Up”

Hot Chocolate 5k Goals

Up until this point my 5k goals have been pretty much the same: survive and have fun. However, this being my 4th try at it, I think it’s time to step things up. Exactly how though, is slightly a different story.

This time around, my base line goal of “completing injury free and have fun,” should be a given. So at the very least, my goal is to get a PR. 48:22, I’m gunning for you! From there, it gets a little grey, so I can definitely use advise if anybody has some. Continue reading “Hot Chocolate 5k Goals”

Overtraining and Listening To Your Body

After my newest bout of motivation in my last emo post, I’ve been following up with some good progress on the training end of things. I’m still figuring out exactly how much I should train. You hear so much about overtraining and how it can derail progress. After much research, the answer is the ever frustrating “it depends.”

The reason is because it’s constantly in flux, and the old familiar “listen to your body” line comes up over and over and over again. Continue reading “Overtraining and Listening To Your Body”

Chicago Bears 5k 2016: 5k #3 in the Books!

First it was Bucktown, then was Night Nation Run, now my 3rd 5k race is under my belt at the Chicago Bears 5k. By far, this was my favorite 5k so far! They aimed to make this as much of a “game time atmosphere” as possible, so that meant the Bears drumline showed up to play songs, Staley – the mascot bear guy cheered us on, the flag guys led each corral at the start of the race (see the video below) complete with fireworks, and best of all; you finish the race by running through the tunnel and ON TO THE FIELD at Soldier Field!

Continue reading “Chicago Bears 5k 2016: 5k #3 in the Books!”

The Psychology of Weight Loss

Everyone says that the weight loss journey more mental than physical, in fact, many will say that it’s ALL mental. I always heard that phrase and understood the journey would be difficult, but I never truly understood the psychology of weight loss until recently. I also never realized how much of a mental battle it’s been until I started reflecting and reading old posts.

Last year, when I lost pound #40, I remember thinking that it wasn’t as difficult as I thought it would be, I was confident and maybe even a bit cocky. But anyone that’s read more than one post of this blog has seen that every time I was at my most optimistic I would soon have a stumble or fall.

It’s really surprising just how extreme the highs and lows have been, and the dichotomy really takes it’s tolls. Continue reading “The Psychology of Weight Loss”