Progress Report: April 2017

Yeah, I dropped the “monthly check in” name in exchange for the more vague “Progress Report.” I know I should be more diligent, especially since the whole point of me making this blog is to keep me honest and on track. But it ended up just frustrating me more in my shortcomings, and even though my goal will be to check in monthly, simply calling it a progress report helps me out more mentally.

The last check in of this type was in January, and it’s been an interesting couple of months. Continue reading “Progress Report: April 2017”

BbtP 2016 Wrap Up

This time of year always brings out the introspection in everyone with year end wrap ups, I feel it’s healthy to look back and see how things are going. I’ll admit, my first draft of this post was a lot more pessimistic than the final version.

While it’s easy to jump on the “2016 was horrible” bandwagon, I’ve always tried my best to have positive energy and an optimistic outlook on this wellness journey. Continue reading “BbtP 2016 Wrap Up”

Using Negative Energy

I usually use this blog as a way to keep myself focused and positive, there’s the occasional emotional rant with flaming wagon pictures or shame nuns, but on the most part I do my best to keep positive energy flowing. But I’ll be honest, this latest iteration of restarting re-gaining momentum has been really frustrating and angering. But perhaps that negative energy can be put to use. Continue reading “Using Negative Energy”

Being Tested Early

I promised myself I would be an open book with the blog, to show an accurate journal or something going through a weight loss journey. I knew there would be triumphs, and I knew that I would be tested.

Just a few days have passed since I posted What I’m Up Against in this whole weight loss journey. Let’s take a moment to reread the 2nd to last sentence of that post, “It’s time to put in the work, stay disciplined, stay focused, and not let my emotions get me off track.” I had no clue that the true test of that statement would come so quickly. Continue reading “Being Tested Early”

Weight Loss Journey – What I’m Up Against

I believe it’s Sun Tzu that said something along the lines of, “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you can fight a hundred battles without disaster.” It’s no secret that the weight loss journey is long and grueling, a battle that many lose. In order to be successful and keep motivated to fully attack this head on, it’s good to know your enemy. So I’m going to examine exactly what I’m up against in my battle to be healthy.

I’m going to split these up into two general categories: internal and external factors. Continue reading “Weight Loss Journey – What I’m Up Against”

The Psychology of Weight Loss

Everyone says that the weight loss journey more mental than physical, in fact, many will say that it’s ALL mental. I always heard that phrase and understood the journey would be difficult, but I never truly understood the psychology of weight loss until recently. I also never realized how much of a mental battle it’s been until I started reflecting and reading old posts.

Last year, when I lost pound #40, I remember thinking that it wasn’t as difficult as I thought it would be, I was confident and maybe even a bit cocky. But anyone that’s read more than one post of this blog has seen that every time I was at my most optimistic I would soon have a stumble or fall.

It’s really surprising just how extreme the highs and lows have been, and the dichotomy really takes it’s tolls. Continue reading “The Psychology of Weight Loss”

Lolo 10-lb challenge, because why not?

If there’s something that I learned the past year, it’s that I have a competitive spirit and need something to work towards to be successful on this health journey. Knowing that, I need to keep setting mini goals to have. I think I have to revisit some of the motivation factors I wrote about last year, and really figure out my game plan.

Something I stumbled across is the 10 Pound Challenge from Lolo. If you recall, Lolo was one of the apps I first downloaded when I started training for the Bucktown 5k, so they send me periodical emails. This one was promoting the challenge, here’s the rundown: Continue reading “Lolo 10-lb challenge, because why not?”